Why are we different?

Our main features:

  • Fixed & High APYs

  • AutoStake feature

  • Ability to lock up your tokens for even higher APY = more sustainability

  • Treasury that automatically buys SILVER token


If you take a look at all protocols you only find the maximum of 1 to 3 features that SILVER has.

HEX has the ability to lock your tokens but their APY is not very high and they also don't have transaction fees to support the price of the token.

TITANO provides a high fixed APY but lacks the capacity to lock up tokens and maintain the protocol's sustainability. Furthermore, their transaction fees were not planned in the greatest conceivable way. 

Not only is there an AutoStake option, but you can also enhance your APY by locking up your tokens. The longer you stake, the greater your APY, which contributes to the token's long-term viability.

OLYMPUS has no fixed APY, no ability to lock up tokens, no transaction fees to support the price of the token.

Then there is SILVER :

  • Our APYs are fixed and high

  • AutoStake feature, but also the ability to even increase your APY by locking up your tokens

  • The longer you stake the higher your APY is which supports the sustainability of the token

  • The transaction fees not only sustain the never-ending growth of the price floor but also urge the team to work as much as possible because SILVER was fair launched and the team receives no tokens, therefore the only way we generate money is through high volume.

  • Our treasury is not like other protocols' treasuries. Our treasury is a complicated code that automatically purchases SILVER tokens every day and much more when the price drops; more on that later.

Last updated